Parish Council & Committees
Parish Pastoral Council:
Council Members:
Finance / Property Committee - John Gosson - Chair, Terry O'Shea, Jules Hubert, Brian Kerby, Rosemarie Leitmann, Deacon Andy Kemp, Doris Beers
Cemetery Committee - Terry O'Shea, Brian Kerby
Screening Committee -
Parish Groups & Organizations
Catholic Women's League, St. James the Minor: Meetings are held monthly, following the 9am Mass.
President: Joanne Belanger
Ladies of Sacred Heart: meets the 4th Tuesday of the month
President: Anne Marie Aquino-Coward
Legion of Mary:
Contact: Jules Hubert
Knights of Columbus: Council # 11655: Fr. Richard O'Farrell
Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month, in the Parish Rectory at 7.00 pm. New members are always welcome to attend.
Grand Knight: Garry Austin
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Belleville:
President: Jim Best
Parish Youth Group - "Souls on Fire"
Contact: Joanne Belanger at
Archdiocesan Youth Office - contact Nadia Gundert at 613-548-4461 x117
or visit
Lay Ministry Schedules
Anyone interested in becoming a Parish volunteer is kindly requested to contact the Parish office at 613-398-6745.